
  • 電 話:0550-7855886
  • 傳 真:0550-7855885
  • 郵 箱:zsdqjt@163.com、2522510047@qq.com
  • 地 址:安徽省天長市滁州高新技術產(chǎn)業(yè)開發(fā)區(qū)緯三路68號


  • /upload/images/202403/17109878211043.png
  • 產(chǎn)品名稱:KVVP22鎧裝控制電纜 KVVP22 armored control cable
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  • 添加時間:2024-03-21 10:16:28
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一、KVVP22控制屏蔽電纜介紹 KVVP控制屏蔽電纜適用于額定電壓U0 U450 750V及以下控制、監(jiān)視回路及保護線路的連接線,主要用于防電磁波干擾、需要有屏蔽的

1、 KVVP22 Control Shielded Cable Introduction KVVP Control Shielded Cable is suitable for connecting control, monitoring circuits, and protection circuits with rated voltage U0 U450 750V and below. It is mainly used to prevent electromagnetic interference and requires shielding


 KVVP控制屏蔽電纜適用于額定電壓U0/U 450/750V 及以下控制、監(jiān)視回路及保護線路的連接線,主要用于防電磁波干擾、需要有屏蔽的場所。



 P2——銅帶屏蔽 22——鋼帶鎧裝


1、 Introduction to KVVP22 Control Shielded Cable

KVVP control shielded cable is suitable for connecting control, monitoring circuits, 

and protection circuits with rated voltage U0/U 450/750V and below. 

It is mainly used for preventing electromagnetic interference and in places that require shielding.

K - indicates that the cable is a control cable

VV - polyvinyl chloride insulation, polyvinyl chloride sheath

P2- Copper tape shielding

22- Steel strip armor

KVVP2: Copper core PVC insulated PVC sheathed copper tape shielded control cable, laid indoors,

 in cable trenches, pipelines and other fixed occasions that require shielding.







2、 Basic parameters of KVVP22 control shielded cable

The long-term allowable working temperature for cable conductors is 70 ℃, 

and high-temperature resistant shielded cables can reach up to 300 ℃.

The allowable bending radius for cable laying and installation is:

1. Cable without armor layer should not be less than 6 times the outer diameter of the cable.

2. Cables with armored or copper tape shielding structures should not be less than 12 times 

the outer diameter of the cable.

3. Soft cables with a shielding layer structure should not be less than 6 times the outer diameter of the cable.



3、 KVVP22 Control Shielded Cable Specification and Model

The specifications of KVVP22 cable are 0.75-2.5 square meters, 4-61 cores, 4-10 square meters, and 4-14 cores

安徽中盛電氣集團有限公司  地 址:安徽省天長市滁州高新技術產(chǎn)業(yè)開發(fā)區(qū)緯三路68號   皖ICP備14020668號-1
電 話:0550-7855886  傳 真:0550-7855885  郵 箱:zsdqjt@163.com、2522510047@qq.com  正版建站推廣:千秋在線   

皖公網(wǎng)安備 34118102000257號