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  • /upload/images/202406/17173969891862.jpg
  • 產(chǎn)品名稱:硅橡膠扁電纜Silicone rubber flat cableYGCB-VFRP
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  • 添加時間:2024-06-03 14:33:19
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1、 YGCB-VFRP Insulated Silicone Rubber Sheath Tinned Copper Wire Braided Split Phase Shielded Mobile Flat Flexible Cable Product Features and Applications


The product is suitable for hanging cables for casting cranes, port machinery, and small cars with rated AC voltage of 0.6/1KV and below. The product has the characteristics of high temperature resistance, cold resistance, tensile resistance, oil resistance, corrosion resistance, etc. The cable structure is soft and flat, easy to lay, stable electrical performance in high temperature and cold environment, anti-aging, long service life, etc. It is widely used in metallurgy, power, petroleum, chemical, port and mobile equipment manufacturing industries.


Note: For cables used for fixed installation on the machine, refer to Chapter 1, Section 2, Silicone Rubber Power Cable on page 4 and Chapter 3, Section 2, Silicone Rubber Control Cable on page 61.


2、 Characteristics of YGCB-VFRP insulated silicone rubber sheathed tinned copper wire braided split phase shielded flat flexible cable for mobile use

1、交流額定電壓:U0/U  0.6/1KV;

1. AC rated voltage: U0/U 0.6/1KV;


Maximum working temperature: 180 ℃;


Minimum ambient temperature: Fixed laying -60 ℃;


2. The installation and laying temperature of cables shall not be lower than -25 ℃.


3、 Basic model and name of YGCB-VFRP insulated silicone rubber sheathed tinned copper wire braided split phase shielded flat flexible cable for mobile use

型號 產(chǎn)品名稱

Model Product Name

YGGB 硅橡膠絕緣和護套移動用扁平軟電纜

YGGB silicone rubber insulated and sheathed flat flexible cable for mobile use

YGCB-VFR 丁請絕緣硅橡膠護套移動用扁平軟電纜

YGCB-VFR insulated silicone rubber sheathed flat flexible cable for mobile use

YGCB-AF46R F46絕緣硅橡膠護套移動用扁平軟電纜

YGCB-AF46R F46 insulated silicone rubber sheathed flat flexible cable for mobile use

YGCPB 硅橡膠絕緣和護套鍍錫銅絲編織分相屏蔽移動用扁平軟電纜

YGCPB silicone rubber insulated and sheathed tinned copper wire braided split phase shielded flat flexible cable for mobile use

YGCB-VFRP 丁請絕緣硅橡膠護套鍍錫銅絲編織分相屏蔽移動用扁平軟電纜

YGCB-VFRP insulated silicone rubber sheathed tinned copper wire braided split phase shielded mobile flat flexible cable

YGCB-AF46RP F46絕緣硅橡膠護套鍍錫銅絲編織分相屏蔽移動用扁平軟電纜

YGCB-AF46RP F46 Insulated Silicone Rubber Sheath Tinned Copper Wire Braided Split Phase Shielded Mobile Flat Flexible Cable


5、 Meaning of the code name for silicone rubber insulated and silicone rubber sheathed flat cables

代號 代號含義

Meaning of code name

Y 移動用系列

Y Mobile Series

G 硅橡膠絕緣或護套

G silicone rubber insulation or sheath

VF 丁情絕緣或護套

VF insulation or sheath

B 扁型

B-flat type

P 銅絲(鍍錫銅絲)屏蔽

P copper wire (tin plated copper wire) shielding

F46 聚全氟乙丙烯F46

F46 Polyfluoroethylene Propylene F46


Note: Copper wire in the conductor core can be tinned.


Four main technical indicators


1. Finished cable conductor (Class R) DC resistance (in accordance with GB3956 regulations);


2. At 20 ℃, the insulation resistance shall not be less than 100M Ω/KM;

3、成品電纜經(jīng)受交流50HZ  3.5KV/5min電壓試驗不擊穿。

3. The finished cable shall withstand an AC voltage test of 50Hz and 3.5KV/5 for 5 minutes without breakdown.


5、 Basic cable specifications and structural parameters of YGCB flat cable



安徽中盛電氣集團有限公司  地 址:安徽省天長市滁州高新技術(shù)產(chǎn)業(yè)開發(fā)區(qū)緯三路68號   皖I(lǐng)CP備14020668號-1
電 話:0550-7855886  傳 真:0550-7855885  郵 箱:zsdqjt@163.com、2522510047@qq.com  正版建站推廣:千秋在線   

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